Our Newsletter for COVID-19 contains articles, videos and graphics on SSA, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, CDC and EPA as well as helpful tips. Sign Up Now to stay informed. We can help.

Medicare Eligibility

Call now to find out if you are eligible for Medicare Special Enrollment Period

Call now to find out if you are eligible for Medicare Special Enrollment Period. We’re here to help you not sell you. https://quotes.medigaplife.com/find-plans/ #medigaplife #medicare #medicareadvantage #medicaid #seniors #healthinsurance #partd #vision #dental #hearing #transportation #silversneakers #visionbenefits #savings#help #SEP#specialenrollment#disability

Medigap Life Commercial 2

If you missed the Annual Enrollment Period, we still may be able to help you

If you missed the Annual Enrollment Period, we still may be able to help you increase your Medicare benefits. https://quotes.medigaplife.com/find-plans/ or Call Us at (855) 289-2001. We Can Help. Find Out if You Qualify.


Article Published Today by the SSA on Fighting Fraud

Great article published today by the SSA on how to protect yourself from fraud.

Life should be about a good book or a good friend, not about researching Medicare Plans

Life should be about a good book or a good friend, not researching complicated Medicare plans. Live Comfortably. We may be able to help. See if you qualify.

Medicare Special Enrollment Period

Do you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period for Medicare based on where you live?

Do you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period for Medicare based on where you live? Learn More (See If You Qualify)


You move outside of your Medicare Advantage plan’s coverage area✔️

You are released from prison ✔️

You move back to the U.S. from a foreign country✔️

You move into a skilled nursing facility or a long-term care hospital ✔️

#medigaplife #medicare #medicareadvantage #medicaid #seniors #healthinsurance #partd #vision #dental #hearing #transportation #silversneakers #visionbenefits #savings#help #SEP#specialenrollment#disability

Do you have enough Medicare Coverage?

Find out what your Medicare covers on your major ailments

Find out what your Medicare covers on your major ailments. We may be able to help.

Find out if you qualify. https://quotes.medigaplife.com/find-plans/

#medigaplife #medicare #medicareadvantage #medicaid #seniors #healthinsurance #partd #vision #dental #hearing #transportation #silversneakers #visionbenefits #savings#help #gym