Our Newsletter for COVID-19 contains articles, videos and graphics on SSA, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, CDC and EPA as well as helpful tips. Sign Up Now to stay informed. We can help.
Our Newsletter for COVID-19 contains articles, videos and graphics on SSA, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, CDC and EPA as well as helpful tips. Sign Up Now to stay informed. We can help.
Social Security Beneficiaries Will Receive a Stimulus Check
/in COVID-19, News /by adminThe Treasury Department now says that Americans on Social Security will not be required to file a “simple tax return” to receive a stimulus check from the U.S. government.
Forbes reports CMS is evaluating offering a special enrollment period specifically designated for COVID-19
/in COVID-19, News /by adminForbes reports CMS is evaluating offering a special enrollment period specifically designated for COVID-19
Medicare and Coronavirus: What You Need to Know
/in COVID-19, News /by adminWith the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), being informed about your Medicare coverage is more important than ever.
CDC Statement on COVID-19 Apple App
/in COVID-19, News /by adminApple Inc. in partnership with the White House Coronavirus Task Force and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – released an app and website that guides Americans through a series of questions about their health and exposure to determine if they should seek care for COVID-19 symptoms. The tool provides CDC recommendations on next steps including guidance on social distancing and self-isolating, how to closely monitor symptoms, recommendations on testing, and when to contact a medical provider.
Sit and Stay. Take care and be well.
/in COVID-19, News /by adminAs Florida joins the list of states today on the Stay at Home Order, we urge you to “Sit & Stay.” Take care and be well.
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Sweeping Regulatory Changes to Help U.S. Healthcare System Address COVID-19 Patient Surge
/in COVID-19, News /by admin