Our Newsletter for COVID-19 contains articles, videos and graphics on SSA, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, CDC and EPA as well as helpful tips. Sign Up Now to stay informed. We can help.
Our Newsletter for COVID-19 contains articles, videos and graphics on SSA, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, CDC and EPA as well as helpful tips. Sign Up Now to stay informed. We can help.
Do Medicare Plans Cover Fitness?
/0 Comments/in News /by adminPeople With Disabilities Are the Largest Minority Group in the United States and Yet They Feel Invisible
/in News /by adminPeople With Disabilities Are the Largest Minority Group in the United States and Yet They Feel Invisible
Help Paying for Prosthetic Care
/in Medicare News, News /by adminHelp Paying for Prosthetic Care
People who have had an amputation may get help paying for rehabilitation and a prosthesis.
Help With Your Diabetic Supplies
/in Medicare News, News /by adminHelp With Your Diabetic Supplies
If you are having difficulty affording your diabetic supplies there are resources available.
Help With Your Insulin Costs
/in News /by adminHelp With Your Insulin Costs
If you are having difficulty affording your insulin, the American Diabetics Association has a web page with programs from pharmaceutical companies where you can go for additional help.
What will happen if the ACA (Affordable Care Act) goes away?
/in News /by adminThe Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments a week after the election in regards to fate of the Affordable Care Act.