Now’s the time to get your flu shot

Now’s the time to get your flu shot. The flu shot is covered for people with Medicare from providers that accept Medicare or your Medicare plan. You can safely get a flu vaccine at your doctor’s office, pharmacy, or other local provider.

Benefits of multivitamin use

A recent Oregon State University study found that older adults who used multivitamin and mineral supplements reported overall better health and a faster recovery time from illnesses. As people age, they are more likely to have vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can weaken their immune systems. Study findings suggest that even a simple vitamin and mineral regimen can benefit overall health for elders, as long as the supplement they take contains zinc and vitamin C.

wildfire safety

Wildfire Safety during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some additional challenges to consider related to the public health impacts of wildfires.


Qualifying for Supplemental Security Income with Social Security

Social Security pays monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to people with disabilities who have low income and few resources, and people who are age 65 or older without disabilities who meet the financial limits.

Managing Arthritis

While there is no known cure for arthritis, there are a variety of ways to help manage the effects it has on the body. The Arthritis Foundation website and the CDC website offer information on treatments, including medications and staying physically active.

Medicare Part B

The Social Security Administration announced a new service for people awaiting a hearing decision. In addition to telephone hearings, Social Security will offer the opportunity for an online video hearing using the Microsoft Teams platform beginning this fall. This new free service will allow applicants and their representatives to participate in the hearing from anywhere they have access to a camera-enabled smartphone, tablet, or computer. This stable and secure online platform allows the Social Security judge to see and interact with applicants and their representatives just like an in-person hearing, while maintaining privacy of the claimant’s information. Other hearing experts, such as medical or vocational experts, may participate as well.

National Survey of Seniors Finds More than 9 of 10 Satisfied with Medicare Part D

National Survey of Seniors Finds More than Nine of Ten Satisfied with Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage

AARP Reports on the FAQs on Life Insurance and Coronavirus

AARP Reports on the FAQs on Life Insurance and Coronavirus


Kaiser Family Health Covers the FAQs of Medicare & Coronavirus

Kaiser Family Health Covers the FAQs of Medicare & Coronavirus